
Create Realistic Reflective Puddles | Photoshop Tutorial

Creating realistic reflective puddles in Photoshop can greatly enhance the overall look of an image and add an extra dimension to your work. In this tutorial, we will be using some simple techniques to flip an image and make it appear as a reflection in a puddle.


Here are the steps to create a reflective puddle in Photoshop:

1. Choose an image you want to use as the reflection. It’s best to use an image with a clear subject, such as a building or person, so that the reflection is easily recognizable.

2. Duplicate the layer of the image you want to reflect by right-clicking on the layer and selecting “Duplicate Layer.”

3. Flip the duplicate layer by going to “Edit” in the menu bar and selecting “Transform” and then “Flip Vertical.”

4. Adjust the opacity of the flipped layer by sliding the opacity bar until you are satisfied with the reflection. A general guideline is to lower the opacity to around 50-70%.

5. Add a mask to the flipped layer by clicking on the “Add layer mask” button at the bottom of the Layers panel.

6. Use a soft brush with a low opacity to paint the mask black where you want the reflection to appear. The black areas will make the reflection disappear, while the white areas will keep the reflection visible.

7. To make the reflection appear more realistic, you can add a Gaussian Blur to the reflection layer. Go to “Filter” in the menu bar and select “Blur” and then “Gaussian Blur.” Experiment with the radius until you achieve the desired blurriness.

8. Finally, adjust the levels and color balance of the reflection layer to match the original image.

By following these steps, you should now have a realistic-looking reflective puddle in your image. Remember that you can always adjust the opacity and blurriness to taste and make any other changes you see fit.

If you’re looking for more tutorials on photoshop and graphic design, be sure to check out Anthony Lam’s Youtube channel for more helpful tips and tricks.

Youtube Channel – Anthony Lam

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